I used to write a diary everyday but I got tired of the fact that it’s always about me so I asked my family and friends to write the October 2019 for me. I assigned one person for one day. I wanted them to describe their day in a form of a letter and send it to me. I ended up having a complete month of adventures from people that are close to me. I read them all carefully looking for the activities that I was also doing in that time. I digitally cut them out and made a portrait of one universal day of October 2019 in a form of a collage.
I liked the time when somebody was writing to me so I decided to extend it for November. I wrote questions in a notebook and I asked 30 girls from my class to answer them. They had only one day for it and later they were passing it forward to the next person. They were putting their answers to the envelopes that I sticked to the pages inside. In December when everybody was finished, I did similar thing as with letters. I was looking for the answers that were identical with mine and I made my page as a collage of my friends’ answers.